Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Pfingstmontag!

Pfingsten ist das christliche Fest der Entsendung des Heiligen Geistes am Pfingstfest.
Pfingsten (Pfingstsonntag) ist ein beweglicher Feiertag zwischen dem 10. Mai und dem 13. Juni - immer am fünfzigsten Tag nach Ostern, wobei Ostersonntag historisch bedingt mitgezählt wird.

Just so ya know. 

Me, I'm using my day off as I do most... to sit around and do nothing. 

Ok, that's not entirely true. I have attempted to research my Referat topic but I can't do much without actual BOOKS, and the Albertina (our Uni library) is closed today. 

Later today I'm going to see a Theaterstuck (theater piece) at the Theater der Jungen Welt with my friend Miriam. 

And what else... hmmm... I made pancakes for breakfast. So that's something. 

Oh yes and it's HURRICANE FESTIVAL week!!!! Finally! Soooo so sososososos so so so super excited. 

look what i get to seeeeeeeee!!!

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